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This very simple Ramp introduces the advanced features.

Obtaining Pop1

Fig 1. Studio after installing Pop1
  1. Download the file Pop1.xml from here.
  2. Launch Numerus Studio and select the File | Open Ramp(s)...; navigate to the folder containing Pop.xml and select it.
  3. When you are done Pop1 should appear on the Numerus Studio dashboard. (Fig. 1)

"Discovering" Pop1

  1. Launch Pop1, resulting in the application shown here:
Fig 2. Pop1 Ramp
  1. Open Help | About This Ramp... to learn about the model and its structure, as shown here:
Fig 3. Pop1 Documentation
The document provides a description of the model and its salient parameters, variables, etc.; use this to familiarize yourself with the model. A link appearing in the title section will lead to more in-depth documentation.
  1. You now have an opportunity to test what you learn from the documentation by possibly running the simulation several times with different parameter values.
Fig 3. Pop1 Documentation

Discovering RAMs

The documentation points out that a RAM exists for overriding the default definition of deriv.

  1. Visit the RAM page either by double-clicking on the blue text of the RAM entry, or by clicking the Op On/Off button.
Fig 3. Pop1 Documentation