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Adding Code to the Components

Capsules and components provide the architecture for a runnable simulation; however the computational content needed to relate the these elements and produce results must be specified through textual code. In the simplest cases they may only require elementary mathematical formulas. More complex models, however, may rely on computational procedures specified in a sufficiently expressive language. The Numerus infrastructure aids in model design by predetermining structural relationships and distributing the responsibility for specifying the model's algorithm across a set of well-defined structural elements. In the end, however, some familiarity with textually-specified computations is required. Fortunately, the learning curve need not be steep, and many interesting models requiring minimal coding can be developed.


Numerus relies on a language called NovaScript. NovaScript is an extension of the commonly-used language JavaScript [1]. JavaScript is the language used by all Web browsers since the middle 1990's to program their client-side behavior. NovaScript supports the entire JavaScript language and adds some features that are particularly useful for modeling in Numerus.

The first chapter below provides a "light" introduction to JavaScript, with references for more detailed presentations. The second describes the NovaScript extensions and gives examples of how they can be used in model design.


Javascript Light
NovaScript Introduction
  1. Not to be confused with Java language; they are unrelated